About Us
In a digital world world that's more disconnected than ever
Stories that Stir™ is about creating human connection.
Meet Monica!
Monica spent over two decades working in the media, before creating Stories that Stir™, with her artist husband, Joram. After working as a Producer for Nine Network’s ‘A Current Affair’, she founded her own PR agency, where for 22 years, she helped thousands of professionals, craft and amplify their story to millions through mass media.
While running her PR agency, she did a stand up comedy course for fun, and ended up performing on the comedy circuit for 5 years, culminating in shows in Sydney Fringe Festival and Sydney Comedy Festival.
She found herself sharing her stories on stage through comedy, various storytelling events and as a keynote speaker, and loved it!
During COVID lockdown, she mentioned to her husband Joram that she missed the stage, human connection and storytelling. His response was, “why don’t we just start our own storytelling event?”
She got goosebumps. “Let’s do it!”
And Stories that Stir™ was born!

We’re on a mission to facilitate human connection and healing through storytelling.
We’re seeding Stories that Stir™ events all over the world to impact millions.
Our vision is to encourage people to express their truth and share their stories, in order to break down barriers, stir conversation and inspire positive change.
We are expanding Stories that Stir™ around the Globe through community events, collaborations with soul aligned organisations, and training people in the art of effective storytelling.