Coffee Conversations for Intl Coffee Day
Are you in the business of coffee?
On 1st October it’s International Coffee Day and a great opportunity to gain mass media exposure for your coffee related business.
3 angle ideas include:
– coffee trends over the years
– how your cafe has survived or thrived through COVID
– fair trade coffee
I give a further 3 angle ideas in today’s #magnifymondaymoment video.
Do your barista friends a favour and share this video with them.
Cappuccino anyone? I think its that time of the morning – ahhh.
How fitness trainers and nutritionists can magnify their message this Spring
Is the thought of baring your body in a swimming costume a scary one?
If so you’re not alone and this year is probably worse than most due to comfort eating from COVID 19.
In today’s #magnifymondaymoment video I explain how fitness trainers and nutritionists can make the most of this conundrum and magnify their message in mainstream media.
Great exposure starts with ABC
Would you like to be featured on an ABC news site?
There’s good reason to put effort into this, as according to the latest Nielson Digital Ratings ABC new sites came in at number 1.
In today’s #magnifymondaymoment video I describe my 3 step process to magnify your message on the ABC.
I also let you know the email format so that you’ll be able to email any of the journalist’s from the site/s.
Why pictures speak louder than words
What do your professional images look like? Have you had them taken or do you need a revamp?
It today’s #magnifymondaymoment I talk about why pictures speak louder than words when it comes to securing media coverage and the importance of having professional images taken.
I also identify the range of images you’ll need and how to use them.
What’s your take on TikTok?
What’s your take on TikTok?
Are you a social media expert who has an opinion about its security risk or a business who has cleverly used it as part of your marketing mix.
In today’s #magnifymondaymoment video I explain why your take on TikTok could score you mass media coverage right now.
3 letters that could spread your news like wildfire
Is it possible to achieve widespread media coverage by sending your pitch to just one journalist?
The answer is YES and in today’s #magnifymondaymoment video I explain how to do just that. It all comes down to 3 letters.
I’m all about maximising efficiency and magnifying your message.
How to Create an Attention Grabbing Headline
What’s in a #headline?
Well, it could be the difference between you getting the opportunity to magnify your message on TV and other mass media outlets or NOT.
Journalists are busy people and have no end of experts and business owners like yourself, vying for their attention.
In today’s #magnifymondaymoment video, I’ll explain exactly how to go about writing a headline that will capture a journalist’s attention.
Aside from media, this is also useful info if you want to get cut through with all your content creation including blogs, videos, whitepapers etc.
What does the future of your industry look like?
Do you have an opinion about what the future of your industry looks like?
If so, you have a great opportunity to secure some great media exposure as this is a hot topic right now.
This opportunity applies to many industries, and in particular those that affect a large portion of the population.
In today’s #magnifymondaymoment video, I explain how to go about taking your opinion and communicating it to the media in order to get cut through.
How to structure a media pitch
I explain 3 tips to structure an email pitch to a journalist.