Thinksperation 1: ‘Selling’ is not a dirty word
My name is Monica Rosenfeld. I’m a professional speaker and the founder of WordStorm PR. I’ve been running my PR agency for over 18 years and in that time I’ve learnt a lot of lessons and today I’m going to share the lesson of the fact that sales is not a dirty word.
If you’re an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you have to be able to sell in order to have a successful business. But many of us know that many many businesses fail in the first two to three years and I believe this comes down to the fact that people see selling as a negative thing. They think that they’re being pushy or tooting their own horn but I don’t see it like that. I see sales as cultivating positive relationships and I leave just about every potential client meeting that I have on an absolute high because I have connected with the human being sitting in front of me and I’m so excited about the fact that my service can help them take their business to the next level.
So I see it as helping someone creating a win-win and not being a pushy sleazy asshole. Sales is not a dirty word. It’s about win-win relationships.