How to use your business story to get media coverage

My name is Monica Rosenfeld. I’m a professional speaker and the founder of WordStorm PR. Over five weeks I’m sharing five media angles that you can use to get your business in mainstream media. We started off with 1.Statistics and then it was 2.Top Five Tips and today I’m going to talk about 3.Your Business Story.

Pitching your business story out there to business and entrepreneurial journos is a really great way to get great media coverage and talk about your story and your passions and what led you to get there. But the mistakes that many business owners make is that they think that they need to razzle and dazzle the journalists with big numbers and exponential growth. And while this helps, journalists are actually interested in more than that. They want to know about the heart of your business. What inspired you to start your business? What challenges have you overcome that you can share with their audience?

I haven’t spoken to any entrepreneurs who don’t have an interesting story to tell. And while you might be thinking my stories is not actually that interesting, I can bet you there are some real nuggets out there that journalists will want to know about and they will want to know and write about this because their audience wants to read this stuff.

As humans we’re generally very voyeuristic and as voyeurs we want to know about other people’s stories but we don’t want to know the sort of vanilla version we want to know the guts of what’s inspiring people. What is motivating people? How have people risen above challenges? How have they found their resilience? What quirky and interesting things have they done in their life that’s led them to their business? Many entrepreneurs are following their passion and as humans we want to read and learn and know more about people’s passions. So what’s your business story? What’s that spark that led you to do what you’re doing? I’m sure you have one and if you have one why not share it with the media.

One little tip that I will give is that if you’re pitching your business story to a Fairfax journo, so let’s say the small business section in and associated titles just that they will require details about your turnover and revenue. So they’ll also want to know your passions and inspirations and challenges but they will need some sort of numbers. So have a good think about that.

If you want to chat further or brainstorm anything ask any questions. As always feel free to approach me and if you think this video will be valuable to anyone that you know feel free to like, comment or share. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you next week.

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